Feature Film "Dovid Meyer" Featured at NYC Film Festival

New Movie from 26Entertainment Competes at Rated SR Socially Relevant Film Festival
NEW YORK, March 12, 2014 - 26Entertainment’s debut feature film, DOVID MEYER, has been named an official selection at the 2014 RATED SR SOCIALLY RELEVANT FILM FESTIVAL in New York City. DOVID MEYER will compete with 10 other feature films, as well as a strong cast of documentaries and shorts created by filmmakers from 18 different countries. Created to use the powerful medium of film to bring awareness to social issues in a non-violent fashion, the film festival will take place from March 14-20 at the QUAD CINEMA, 34 West 13th Street, New York, NY. DOVID MEYER will screen at 7:00pm on March 17.
DOVID MEYER explores the life of a young religious Israeli boy (Dovid) whose beloved father is killed by terrorist rocket fire. Dovid takes evasive action against impending homelessness for his family by obtaining a job with a family in England as an au pair. DOVID MEYER shows how one boy full of energy, humor and faith unites two desperate families and brings wisdom, wonder, magic and spiritual awakening into our world.
26Entertainment’s film DOVID MEYER entered the film festival because of its focus on collecting and highlighting significant human-interest stories and positive solutions to injustice through the effective and persuasive vehicle of cinema. RATED SR shines the spotlight on filmmakers who tell compelling narratives across a broad range of social issues without resorting to gratuitous violence and other aggressive forms of movie making. The winning film receives a free one-week run at the QUAD CINEMA, including an additional all-encompassing marketing package that provides all the necessary elements to launch a successful indie film in New York.
About 26Entertainment: 26Entertainment is an independent entity, with in-house financing. With the flexibility and desire to adapt and provide our content to emerging media as well as ‘standard’ theatrical and broadcast markets, 26 creates and supports inspiring, family-based, professional content. Meant to ‘open’ audiences up to a relationship with their ‘Higher Power’, our intention is to establish ongoing revenue streams to allow 26Entertainment to create more product, and, equally important, to give to and support charitable causes. http://www.26entertainment.com
About Rated SR Socially Relevant Film Festival: RATED SR is a film festival that focuses on socially relevant human stories and raises awareness to social problems by offering positive solutions through the powerful medium of cinema. RATED SR shines the spotlight on filmmakers who tell compelling, socially relevant narratives across a broad range of social issues without resorting to gratuitous violence and violent forms of movie-making. Rated SR Films are enlightening, uplifting, entertaining, but most of all artistically appealing. A portion of the proceeds from ticket sales each year of the festival will be donated to a charity selected from the fields of: poverty, homelessness, cancer and aging. http://www.ratedsrfilms.org
For more information on the DOVID MEYER, 26Entertainment or to schedule an interview with 26Entertainment, please contact:
Rabbi Moshe Mones
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